Muskegon Montessori Academy for Environmental Change is Reauthorized for 7 Years

Muskegon Montessori Academy for Environmental Change is proud to receive its charter from Ferris State University, and have since its beginnings in 2013. We just received news that FSU is approving a seven year re-authorization!

Ferris State University first got involved in the charter school movement to positively transform the life trajectory of the students who attend their communities. The charter school office holds themselves to helping prepare students for college, work and life with their services. This aligns with our mission, to prepare students for academic excellence and sustained success in a global economy.

Head of School Brad Coon and the Board of Directors have done such incredible work to grow Muskegon Montessori Academy for Environmental Change and stay true to their mission. We are beyond proud of the passion, drive and every-day commitment to ensuring that our students experience a unique and one-of-a-kind learning experience. We look forward to seven more fantastic school years with Ferris State University, and for more updates like this, follow us on Facebook and keep up with our blog.